Tanisha - The sunflower
A sunflower, like all living things, goes through many stages of development. All stages are important and happen within certain time frames when conditions are right.
Paragraph 2-The seeds and the germinating (sprouting) process
The sunflower starts off as a seed. The seed is black with creamy white coloured stripes. The outer layer is called a hull. The texture of the seed is hard and rough. It is in the shape of a teardrop. After about seven to ten days growing in the soil, the sunflower slowly starts to sprout a root. The root is a peachy colour and is shaped like a wriggly earthworm. Then, within a period of a few days, the root grows bigger and the seed germinates two small, green leaves. At this p of growing the sunflower is very delicate and fragile.
Paragraph 3-the growth /spread of the roots, stem, and leaves.
Next , the sunflower plant grows more roots that make it more stable. The plant itself grows taller, stronger and sturdy. More leaves begin to grow and branch off from the stem. The more roots the more nutrients and the healthier the plant gets.
Paragraph 4-The development of the flower bud head of the sunflower and it opening-up
At this stage, the top of the sunflower plant looks like it has a ball with tiny, spiky petals around it. This is called the bud or head. Over time, the petals of the sunflower start to unfurl and the seeds start to develop even more.
Paragraph 5- The development of the seeds in the middle of the sunflower and its opening and dying process
At this stage of the sunflowers growth process, the seeds in the middle of the sunflower are pretty much fully developed and almost ready to begin the lifecycle of many more sunflowers. You can tell the sunflower is about to die when the seeds in the middle are a dark black colour. Finally, the seeds fall out and the sunflower starts to die. Sadly, this is the end of the beautiful sunflower's short lifespan. As the sunflower dies, the leaves start to wrinkle up like a human getting wrinkles as they grow more elderly. Eventually, the sunflower dies out. 🌻
Paragraph 6-Conclusion 🌻
Paragraph 6-Conclusion 🌻
Overall, the lifecycle of this sunflower's short life comes to an end. As you the sunflower can see, the sunflower goes through various stages of growth.
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