The Wave( Pobble 365)
The Wave( Pobble 365)
Use Descriptive Language
Use Similies
It was a normal day like any other in Spain. The water was calm, and everything looked ordinary. But suddenly, the tide started to go backwards. The tide was getting lower than usual, way lower. Everyone gathered to the edge of the Platform in a big bunch. Then came a wave. This wasn’t your ordinary everyday wave, It was a giant monstrous wave. The spectators watched in shock and horror as the wave hurdled towards them like wrecking ball. The wave was so wild that it swept them off their feet before they could do anything.
There were two lucky people who survived this tragic event. They were two friends calling their parents from the red telephone box to pick them up. Luckily, they had no injuries as the telephone box was sturdy enough to not get wrecked. Turns out that the telephone box is pretty strong. Soon after the wave hit, emergency services came to take care of the dead bodies. Out of all of the bodies, ⅓ was under the age of 18, ⅓ over the age of 50, and the rest in between the ages of 18 & 50. It became breaking news all over the world.
I like how you added adjectives and similies. You used a variety of Language features and punctuation too!! :)
Thanks Anika.